Frequently Asked Questions

Time capsule, what is that?

Time capsules, to put it simply, are boxes in which you put in mementos or items you have memories associated with, to be put away and  opened many years into the future. As you may have seen depicted in various forms of pop culture, it allows you to revisit the past and fondly remember these things and the people you shared it with

What is ‘cheethi’?

Finding its origins in the Bengali language, the word ‘cheethi’ can be defined as a ‘handwritten letter addressed to someone’. In a nutshell, Cheethi is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS). Our website provides an avenue for you to create digital time capsules in text or physical format which will be in our safe keeping and emailed/couriered to you on a set date in the future. You can use the “write a letter” feature to digitally pen down your messages, or courier a physical letter to an address to be delivered on the set date.

Will I be charged for sending a ‘cheethi’?

At Cheethi, the ‘write a letter’ services are free. However, as we need to be a financially self-sustaining platform in the long term given the nature of our service, we do charge a fee of INR 199 (service available only for users in India) for the delivery of physical capsules.

When can I expect my message to get delivered? And where?

Once you have written the letter, it will be saved securely with us. On the specified date in the future, you (or the specified recipient) will receive an email containing the text of your letter. If you have opted for the physical capsule option, your letter will be printed, packaged and posted to the address provided by you a few days before the intended date to ensure timely delivery.

Will Cheethi register my email address, or use it for any other purposes?

You can have a look at our Privacy Policy to understand what happens with the information you share with us.

English isn’t my preferred mode of communication, can I write a letter in any other language?

Language isn’t a bar with us! You can write your letter in any language of your choice. However, if your email service provider doesn’t support other scripts, it may look a bit cluttered. 

Let us know at if something like that happens, and we’ll try our best to fix it. 

If my letter doesn’t get delivered, where can I go to address that?

You can look through your Junk, Spam or Promotions tab, as the letter may have ended up there. Additionally, you can perform a search in your inbox with the word ‘cheethi’. We also suggest you to add to your email contact list.

If you still cannot locate your email, let us know in the Contact section of our website, and we will get in touch with you at the earliest.

Can I access Cheethi using my phone?

Our website is mobile friendly, so you can access Cheethi from any of your smart electronic devices. However, the user experience will be a lot better on the desktop version.

Are you going to be around to send me my time capsule?

At Cheethi, we are ardent believers in looking back at the past through time capsules; and find this exercise extremely cathartic. We have been personally involved in this process for a few years now. While the platform is fairly new, we intend to stay dedicated to keep this up and running for people who admire the reminiscing process.

In an unlikely scenario where a meteor were to hit the planet or we are raided by aliens – forcing us to discontinue our services – a notice will be uploaded on the website and we will stop taking further submissions. The letters saved with us before our discontinuation will be delivered to you and on time, that’s a promise!

How does the "Send a physical capsule" feature work?

To make a physical capsule, here are the following steps:

1. Fill our form with the essential details – especially the postal address – in on the “send a physical capsule” section of the website.
2. Next, write down the letter.
3. Once you’re happy with it, click on the ‘Save And Proceed To Pay’ button. You will then be directed to the Stripe payment gateway which will allow you to securely make the payment.

When the transaction is complete, your letter will be saved securely with us. A certain number of days before the set date, we will print out your letter and enclose it in an envelope. We will courier the same to the address mentioned by you such that it arrives on the set date.

Please note, the letter maybe delayed by a few days in case of unprecedented circumstances out of our control. However, we will try our best to ensure timely delivery.

Where do I pay for my physical capsule letters?

Writing digital letters is free; however, we charge a nominal fee for couriering physical capsules. The steps to make a secure payment for our paid services are as follows:

  • After writing your letter, you can press the ‘Save and Proceed To Pay’ button.
  • You will be directed to a form where you can enter the necessary billing details.
  • Once the form is filled, you will be directed to the Stripe payment gateway to make a secure payment. After completing the transaction, your message will be saved securely with us till it’s time to print, package and courier it.

Users in India will be charged INR 199 per physical capsule. Currently, the physical capsule service is available only within India.